Chinese market stable

Chinese market stable
Fecha: 08/05/2015

The Chairman of INAC Federico Stanham said there appears to be an increase of meat purchases from China, both in volumes and in cuts (boneless and bone-in) of higher prices. “There is clearly a sustained demand for Uruguayan meat", stated the Chairman, who attended Expo Sial Exhibition in China. He also said that quality and safety are the main attributes of the Uruguayan product.

“In the first place, a change of trend has been confirmed in the Chinese market, which used to buy only offal, and now, without reducing the imports of offal, added imports of bone-in and boneless cuts that account for a relatively higher percentage of total imports", said Stanham in a conversation with the Communications Office of the Presidency of the Republic.

The Chairman of INAC said in China Uruguay “is playing in the major leagues” and the opinion of authorities and businessmen is that the trip has been "quite successful”, owing to the number of visitors that have come to the stand and held meetings with exporters and brokers.
“Exporters think volumes and prices will continue to grow as well as diversification of cuts”, he also said.

Stanham stated our country accesses the Chinese market through the so called "white channel", which gives confidence to consumers, who sees Uruguayan meat as a product of good quality and safe, "which gives Uruguay an excellent position, a very interesting value to be able to increase business operations in the future".

“It is clear that in different markets there is a sustained demand for Uruguayan meat, which is well-positioned, and the opinion is INAC continues to do a good job in developing promotion activities abroad."

He also informed that apart from this exhibition, there were some promotional activities with Uruguayan meat at Shanghai hotel restaurants, as well as a dinner offered to clients.

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INAC: Panel Izquierdo - Menú