Economics Workshop in Tokyo

Fecha: 27/05/2015

The meeting of the IMS Economics group held in Tokyo came to an end. The beef and sheep meat session was managed by Pablo Caputi, who is the Vice-chairman of the international Economics group.

During Uruguay’s presentation, Jorge Acosta, Head of the Information Division, highlighted the main trends regarding production, consumption and exports of beef and sheep meat in our country. He stressed the importance of preferential trade agreements for Uruguay, as has been stated by Uruguayan authorities. Taking advantage of the presence of the Agriculture and Livestock Industries Corporation (ALIC) from Japan, one of the host organizations, he also stressed that Uruguay has great expectations regarding an impending opening of the Japanese market for Uruguayan meats.

A highly positive opinion about the serious work by Uruguayan companies and government was received from ALIC representatives during informal conversations. More than 50 professionals and businessmen from leading world meat exporting and importing companies took part of this event.

There were 16 brief presentations on countries or commercial blocs, updating the relevant economic information. In general, the most outstanding element affecting the meat demand has been the situation generated in Russia, which changed the commercial flows of various participants in different meats.

These meetings allow INAC to present its working model and gathering the opinion of similar institutions. EBLEX from UK, Bord Bia from Ireland, MLA from Australia, NZML from New Zealand, IPCVA from Argentina, ALIC from Japan, Interveb from France and USMEF from United States were among the participant institutions.

Several countries were represented, such as United Stated, who praised the Uruguayan traceability system.

Several delegates asked about the particular management of INAC, which has a negotiation board composed by farmers, meat processors and government representatives. In particular, the Australian delegate was interested in the Uruguayan model, something relevant considering Australia is one of the world’s leaders in beef and sheep meat production and trade.

The sector governing models will be analyzed in 2016 when INAC organizes the World Meat Congress.

INAC: Panel Izquierdo - Menú