New audit

Fecha: 20/07/2009

Video - USDA announcement

Between 22nd-26th June, 2009 the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) carried out a new audit on the Certified Natural Meat Program of Uruguay (CNMPU) with a view to assess its observance of the Process Verified Program (PVP) of said country.

The result of said audit has been very satisfactory given that although the official report has not been received yet, it was informed that no non-conformities were found, and that it will be recommended that the approval be extended for one year.

This time, 3 farms and 1 processing plant were audited.

Likewise, the auditing team spent two days revising the documentation of the CNMPU-CERTYICARNES at INAC's offices.

Farms visited were: "La Alegría", "Don Manolo", and "Don Felipe", located in the Departments of Río Negro, Canelones, and Lavalleja respectively. The processing plant audited was Frigorífico San Jacinto.

Regardless of having obtained a positive result, a new category of this scope in the Certified Natural Meat Program of Uruguay has been presented to the auditors for it to be approved by the USDA. This new category entails the possibility to use different claims according to the features and production system of each farm.


INAC: Panel Izquierdo - Menú