GlobalGAP Opening

Fecha: 28/09/2009

This event is part of a world event of greater proportions, which consists of GLOBALGAP conferences being held in every one of the 5 continents where said standard for Good Agricultural Practices is present.

GLOBALGAP is a private association of agricultural producers and retailers, who in conditions of equality establish voluntary standards with the fundamental purpose to ensure safe food produced respecting workers' safety, animal welfare and the environment.

GLOBALGAP thus constitutes a model for the observance of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) with a view to offer confidence to consumers as to the manner in which agricultural products are produced.

The opening was attended by the President of INAC, Mr. Alfredo Fratti, the External Markets Director, Ms. Silvana Bonsignore, and GLOBALGAP General Director from Germany, Mr. Kristian Moeller.

INAC: Panel Izquierdo - Menú