More Restaurant abroad.

Fecha: 09/10/2009

The External Markets Director, Economist Silvana Bonsignore, and Engineer Fernando Gil, analyzed with the media the main projects planned for the rest of the year and for 2010.

INAC's global communication and marketing policy aims at developing and relating the "green label" term to natural meats from Uruguay. This term refers to the high-quality positioning to which the "black label" name refers, and is complemented with the "green" color that links it to nature. Thus, the "green label" refers to a superior and natural quality.

This challenge to conquer a position of "quality, prestige and confidence" in the mind of consumers begins in the rational area, involving processes and features of our production system, and comes to an end with the development of the emotional area, which entails working with "Brands", in a search for a relationship between the deepest consumers' needs and the tangible and intangible attributes of the product, and an experience that is regarded as unique.

Presence at ANUGA 2009

Uruguay will have its greatest presence at the 2009 edition of ANUGA, with a stand of almost 500 m2, and a delegation of over 70 people. The exhibition will be held between 10-14 October, and it is a meeting point between the leading markets and their suppliers. At INAC's stand, customers, personalities, media, and opinion makers will be received, and there will be tasting of meat and wine from Uruguay. In the past years Uruguay has become a model of quality, seriousness and communication.

Uruguay Natural Club

"Uruguay Natural Club" is a novelty promotion program of INAC, which includes a series of components that establish synergy between them, and between the public and private sectors. It is directly related to the challenge of developing "Brands" that are recognized by final consumers, which means going from a "push" strategy to a "pull" one. Among the more visible components there are: opening of restaurants abroad, promotion at established restaurants, activities with chef schools and retailers, etc.

Not only does the essence of the Program and its brands pursue the tasting of our meats, but also to associate it with an experience that considers the trends concerning consumers at the leading markets; this is, to generate an opportunity to connect with the significant aspects of life itself, at the same time providing answers regarding animal welfare, ethical trade, social responsibility, sustainability of social networks, safeguard of the cultural heritage, protection of the environment and eco-consciousness, etc.

"Gourmet Natural" in Algarve

"Gourmet Natural" is the parrilla (barbecue) model of restaurants within the "Uruguay Natural Club" program. This model was launched at the International Zaragoza Exhibition in 2008, and a second experience has been developed in El Algarve, an exclusive seaside resort on the Portuguese coast.

The restaurant has been excellently received by tourists from Britain, Russia, Holland, Germany, and Portugal itself. Different specialized media have pointed out the food service offer, Uruguayan natural meats, the ambience and the pleasant staff.

Reservations have been already scheduled for the remains of the high-season, and the restaurant is a success that has even generated curiosity at traditional hotels and restaurants of the area. Currently, the aim is to develop the after-season or "golf-tour" season. This is a British capitals investment, and the managers are Uruguayan chefs Agustín Urrusty and Santiago Cerisola, both of them with renowned careers.

Presence at Expo Shanghai 2010   

Given the success and the impact of Uruguay's presence at Expo Zaragoza 2008, an opportunity has arisen to be present at Expo Shanghai 2010 with a theme restaurant. The Expo organizers have offered Uruguay an area of almost 600 m2, distributed in two floors.

At this moment INAC and its advisers are working on a proposal for the ambience and the menu, together with the making of a "Request for Proposals" for the selection of the private operator who will make the investment and manage the restaurant. The guidelines, standards and procedures will be those developed by INAC specifically for China and the Expo Shanghai 2010.

Meat Promotion Program at Restaurants in Mexico

The Meat Promotion Program at Restaurants in Mexico has been developed by INAC's Directorates of Quality Control and Development, and External Markets. The purpose of the program is to promote the attributes of the natural meat from Uruguay, at the same time assuring quality and establishing channels of communication with consumers within restaurants.

The program was created in response to a proposal made by Mexican meat importers who intended to differentiate the product coming from Uruguay, since they understood there is an important market niche able to pay for a natural and healthy proposal. Restaurants interested in taking part of this Program must purchase meat certified by INAC under the "Uruguay Natural Club" protocol, then, they receive a Certificate and promotional material. At present there are 3 registered restaurants and 20 interested in taking part of the program.

Uruguayan Meat Brand in Export Boxes

As of 1 November 2009 the brand of Uruguayan meats must appear on all export boxes. The plants, with a view to be prepared for the effective date of this measure, are already applying the resolution and registering their designs at INAC.

INAC: Panel Izquierdo - Menú