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Fecha: 09/10/2009


Professor Bob Bansback is a Visiting Professor at Harper Adams University College, in the UK. He is also the current President of the Economics Committee of the International Meat Secretariat (IMS).

Up to 2004 he was the Corporate Strategy Director for the British Meat & Livestock Commission (MLC), responsible for the areas of Strategy, Economics, Forecasting, and Overseas Trade, as well as for the relationships with International Organizations, the European Union and the UK government.

He is an Economist and was the President of the British Agricultural Economics Society.

In Montevideo, he took part of the first preparatory meeting for the Second IMS Economics Workshop, which will be held in Uruguay in September 2010, organized by INAC, through the Information & Economic Analysis Directorate (Mr. Pablo Caputi, PhD).

This workshop will take place before the IMS World Congress in Buenos Aires, and the conclusions of the workshop will be presented at said Congress.

During his stay in Uruguay, he also made cooperation exchanges between INAC's Specialization for graduates and a post-graduate course in England intended for meat industry young leaders (managers), in which he takes part.

At INAC, he gave a lecture to the students of the Meat Industry Specialization, in which he presented his views about the future of the meat production in Europe, the consumption and the competition between the different exporters.

Likewise he was shown the Electronic Information System for the Beef Industry (SEIIC - Black Boxes), project which he mentioned as an example on several occasions.

In the framework of Expo Prado 2009, he looked around the exhibition and finished his tour at INAC's stand, where he gave a press conference.

INAC: Panel Izquierdo - Menú