Contacts with Russia and Kazakhstan

Fecha: 10/02/2011

The President of INAC together with the Honorary Consul of Uruguay in Kazakhstan, Askarbek Tulemisov and Valery Koroliov, Consul’s Honorary Advisor.

The President of INAC, Alfredo Fratti, met with the Honorary Consul of Uruguay in Kazakhstan, Askarbek Tulemisov, and the Uruguayan Ambassador in Russia and Concurrent Ambassador to Kazakhstan, Armenia and Ukraine, Jorge Meyer, during ProdExpo Moscow Exhibition.

From Moscow, Fratti stated that the leading countries exporting meat to Russia are taking part of the exhibition. INAC's role is to create and image serving the national companies that sell this product to Russia, and a space for them to establish a fluid and efficient relationship with customers.

The exhibition has become a tradition for INAC; the first time the Institute attended was in 2006 and then this market grew and became one of the main demanding beef importers, Fratti said.

This time it is going further to Kazakhstan because it was finally possible that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs included an honorary consul to said country, the ninth country in the world as regards economic growth, INAC's President explained.

The President of INAC stated that exports to the Russian Federation are basically forequarter cuts and cuts for the manufacturing industry, but one of the short-term objectives is to export beef to restaurants as a final destination in order to achieve higher prices.


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