Meat-Football agreement

Fecha: 17/05/2012



The Uruguayan Football Association (AUF) and the National Meat Institute (INAC) signed a national agreement for the joint promotion of Meat and Football -declared of national interest by the Presidency of the Republic- with the presence of AUF’s President, Sebastián Bauza, the Technical Director of Uruguay’s Team, Oscar Tabarez, and INAC’s President, Alfredo Fratti.

Through this alliance, both organizations will promote the country and its natural meats in the activities carried out in Uruguay and abroad until the end of the classification round for the 2014 Football World Cup, also helping to strengthen the potential of football in social, cultural, sports and economic aspects.

Uruguay is making sustained efforts to promote its different products and services abroad with a view to increase their prices and demand for the same.

A policy has been especially developed to promote Uruguayan meat products by remarking their high-quality, the technological advance existing in their production processes, their respect for the environment, their safety, and other aspects that tend to make them more valuable, thus having a direct effect on foreign potential consumers.

On the other hand, Uruguay national football teams represent a focal point in the country’s cultural and sports life. They are one of the main components of the image Uruguay shows abroad to make the country well-known, and make it outstanding in sports.

In the framework of the national agreement for the joint promotion of Meat and Football, the Uruguayan Football Association and the National Meat Institute undertake to develop joint activities for the promotion of Uruguayan meats associated with Uruguayan football, i.e. activities at official events in which AUF sports delegations take part, such as the 2012 Olympic Games in London, the classification round for the 2014 Football World Cup, friendly matches and matches of AUF younger national teams.

INAC will provide certified meat for the national football team that will participate of the 2012 London Olympic Games and for the national teams that take part in local matches of official competitions, as well as for the younger national teams that train at AUF’s High Performance Center.

Likewise, it will support the travel of the official delegation to the 2012 London Olympic Games.

Meanwhile, AUF will in turn support INAC by promoting Uruguayan meat at    extraordinary events, through the brand of our meats.

The AUF will make it possible to hold a reception to promote Uruguayan meats at every place where the national team goes, and it will ask members of the sports delegations to attend events organized by INAC, in Uruguay or abroad.

The Technical Director of the national team Oscar Tabarez stated that support from other organizations to the activities of national teams is key to overcome the difficulties arising in the world of football.

In turn, AUF’s President Sebastian Bauza said that football is the best Ambassador of the country and announced that the first joint activity for the promotion of Uruguayan meat will take place in the framework of the next friendly match to be played in Moscow.

The President of INAC Alfredo Fratti stated that this agreement is based on a unanimous decision of the Board, in which farmers and meat processors are represented.  

He made clear that INAC is not a sponsor of the national team, that this is a national agreement, not a matter of money but of ethical commitment; a social commitment with all younger national teams, he said.


INAC: Panel Izquierdo - Menú