Business transactions at SIAL Paris

Fecha: 25/10/2012


The National Meat Institute is taking part of SIAL Paris 2012 together with 20 co-exhibitor companies of the private sector, making up a delegation of approximately 70 people.

The stand has 500 m2 and two floors. The visitors’ area, the working stations and the cafeteria are located downstairs, while upstairs there is the kitchen and the meat tasting area.

The Vice-president of INAC Fernando Pérez Abella said from Paris that the stand has been fluently visited and that business operations have been agreed at similar prices to those observed so far, despite the European economic crisis. He also stated that demand from United States has been quite interesting.

Special attention has been paid to demand from China for forequarter cuts, and to the presence of businessmen from South Korea, who also ask for forequarter cuts and have taken part of the meat tastings offered at the stand. We remind that the inspection to authorize the export of Uruguayan beef to Korea is scheduled to begin on November 5.

The exhibition, which will remain open until October 25, is a must for those working in the world meat sector.

The delegation of INAC is headed by the Vice-president Fernando Pérez Abella and Board Members representing farmers and meat processors- Emilio Mangarelli and Alberto González respectively. The rest of INAC’s staff is completed by Silvana Bonsignore -External Markets Director-, Cecilia Shaw and Cecilia Juárez.

This year as an innovative initiative farmer Alberto Young from the Department of Florida is taking part of promotion activities together with INAC’s delegation, and observing in detail the activities carried out abroad to promote Uruguayan meat.

The farmer was chosen randomly among those enrolled in the project named “Putting a face to farmers”.

INAC: Panel Izquierdo - Menú