Progress in Russia

Fecha: 18/02/2016

The Livestock Minister Tabaré Aguerre presented some facts about Uruguay in the framework of ProdExpo Moscow, highlighting the Uruguayan production systems and the ratio human population vs. cattle inventory.

Aguerre also said that Uruguay produces food for 28 million people and that his presence at the exhibition in Moscow and that his presence at the exhibition in Moscow responds to an unavoidable obligation of accompanying the business sector.

Likewise, he emphasized the recent agreement between Russia and Uruguay for the export of Uruguayan High Quality Beef to the Russian market.

A HQB definition for Russia considering the Uruguayan production system has been being negotiated since many years ago. Last November, in the framework of the first Uruguay-Rusia Mixed Commission held for the first time in 2015, an agreement was reached to include beef from grass-fed cattle. This makes it possible to access a 15 % tariff (instead of 55 %) and not subject to any tariff rate quota.

On the other hand, in the framework of ProdExpo-related activities, INAC threw a reception at Ararat Park Hyatt, with the attendance of Russian health authorities, colleagues from other institutes and local customers.

INAC: Panel Izquierdo - Menú