National Meat Institute

Fecha: 29/04/2024

INAC´s objective is to promote, regulate, coordinate and monitor activities of production, transformations, storage, transportation and marketing of bovine, ovine, equine, goat, poultry, rabbit and small game meats, as well as their offal, by- products and meat products. 

The National Meat Institute (INAC) is a non state, public entity created by Decree Law N° 15605, of July 27, 1984, for the proposal, advice and execution of the National Meat Policy formulated by the Executive Branch.

INAC is managed and led by a board of eight members, made up of two delegates of the Executive Branch; one of them, the President, appointed on the proposal of the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP) and the other, as Vice President, on the proposal of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM).

The private sector is represented by six directores, Three of them representing rural producers: one for the Rural Association, another for the Rural Federation and a third shared between the National Commission for Rural Development and the Federated Agrarian Cooperatives. The other three representing the manufacturing sector: Chamber of the Meat Packing Industry, Association of Meat Packers of Uruguay and one shared between the Association of Slaughter Plants Domestic Market, and Uruguayan Chamber of Poultry Processors.

About us Mission:

To formulate, provide counsel on and implement policies aimed at fostering the expansion of the meat industry and to contribute to the productive, economic and environmental devel opment for the benefit of society,

About us Vision:

To establish Uruguay as a trusted provider of premium quality meat, garner recognition for both the industry brand and its affiliated companies, enhance market presence across diverse regions, and champion the meat industry as a pivotal drive of Uruguay´s economic and sustainable development.



INAC: Panel Izquierdo - Menú