Board Integration


   Conrado Ferber Artagaveytia

   Delegate of the Executive Power appointed at the proposal of the Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries.



   Guido Machado

   Delegate ot the Executive Power appointed at the proposal of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining.


   Representatives of Asociación Rural del Uruguay

   (the Rural Producers´Guild of Uruguay)

   Ricardo Reilly

   Gonzalo Valdés


   Representatives of Federación Rural

   (the Rural Federation)

   Joaquín Martinicorena

   Fernando Gómez


   Representatives of Cooperativas Agrarias Federadas y Comisión Nacional de Fomento Rural

   (the Federated Agrarian Cooperatives and National Rural Development Commission) 
    Luis Bianco

   José Mesa

   (*) Seats on the Board will alternate every twelve months



   Representatives of Cámara de la Industria Frigorífica

   (the Chamber of the Meat Packing Industry)

   Eduardo Urgal

   Alberto F. González


   Representatives of Asociación de la Industria Frigorífica del Uruguay

   (the Association of the Uruguayan Meat Packing Industry)


   Guillermo Pigurina

   Representatives of Asociación de Plantas de Faena Mercado Interno (the Association of Slaughter Plants -    Internal Market)  and Cámara Uruguaya de Procesadores Avícolas (the Uruguayan Chamber of Poultry    Processors) (*)
    Domingo Estévez

   Carlos Pagés


   (*) Seats on the Board will alternate every twelve months