2009 Statistical closure.

Fecha: 21/01/2010

The final figures of the meat sector, prepared by the Information and Economic Analysis Directorate of INAC were presented.

The slaughter of cattle at slaughter plants was of 2,325,692 heads. Slaughter of sheep was of 2,131,200 heads, which represents a 20 % increase in regard with the previous year.

The destination of this greater slaughter volume were the domestic market, which has had a very good response as to demand, and exports, which although 2009 being a year of global crisis have remained at very good levels.

Exports of beef accounted for more than 390 thousand cw tons, figure which is 15 thousand tons higher than that of the previous year. Sheep meat exports reached 32 thousand cw tons, this figure being 7 thousand cw tons higher than that of the previous year.

In terms of prices obtained, although they are far from the record prices obtained in 2008 (absolutely exceptional year), it can be considered that prices are good in a historical perspective. For beef, the average income was of 2,486 USD/cw ton, whereas for sheep meat, it was of 2,559 USD/cw ton.

In summary, it can be stated that the meat sector has successfully overcome the challenges presented by the global economic crisis of 2008-2009, and that it faces 2010 with its potential intact to continue its growth path.

The presentation for the media was in charge of the Information and Economic Analysis Director, Engineer, Pablo Caputi, and his technical staff.

INAC: Panel Izquierdo - Menú