Prof. Frank Mitloehner from the University of California, Davis

Date: 05/13/2010

Within the framework of The Meat Day, on May 29, Prof. Frank Mitloehner (University of California, Davis) will visit INAC and will carry out several activities.

Prof. Mitloehner is a PhD in Animal Science and professor at the Animal Science Department in the University of California, Davis.

His recent criticism to FAO's 2006 report on the contribution of the meat industry to greenhouse gasses, has had a worldwide impact to the degree that one of the authors of FAO'S report recognized the need to pay attention to Mitloehners comments.

During his stay in Montevideo, he will dictate a class to the students of the Meat Industry Specialization, on Saturday, May 29, a conference, by invitation, for public related to the issue, on Monday, May 31 st., and a press conference with national and international media.

Governmental organisms and the private industry related to the agricultural sector have been specifically invited to the conference.

The general public may also register for the conference through the web, they will be notified, as of May 27, if there will be availability.  To define the entrance to the conference, the registering date will be taken into account.

Mitloehner's Work

In summary, FAO's report "The long shadows of livestock", said that the meat industry contributed to global warming due to a larger emission of greenhouse gases, more than transport which produced an important impact in the public opinion.  

During the last months Prof. Mitloehner made severe criticism to the above mentioned comments and INAC considered that due to the strategic importance of the issue for the Uruguayan meat industry, it is of utmost importance to have his point of view to place the country in the core within this key debate.  The presence of Prof. Mitloehner in Uruguay is within the framework of "Climate Change and Meat Industry" launched by INAC in its IV Analysis and Planning Conference carried out in October 2009.