Forlán and Uruguayan barbecue

Date: 06/30/2010

INAC cooperated with 1.000 kg. of meat for the Uruguayan team in South Africa. The request of the Uruguayan Football Association (AUF) was a good opportunity for the Uruguayan football authorities to share a barbecue with club leaders and football personalities, such as 1950 World Champion, Eduardo Ghiggia.

The second barbecue was filmed by Diego Forlan and put on Twitter, where one can see the responsibles of making the barbecue and the Uruguayan players sharing some moments around the barbecue.

On the video one can hear Forlan's voice saying "Uruguayan meat is the best".

In agreement with the AUF

It is not the first time that INAC carries out this type of cooperation with the Uruguayan Football Association, which as compensation uses images of Uruguayan football personalities associating them with meat.

In 2007, Uruguay promoted its meat in Mexico with images of Sebastian Abreu, under the title "In my country even cattle eat the field", in moments where exports to that country were being negotiated.

On that occasion Abreu had asked for a donation to three food pantries in the capital of Lavalleja, which offers food to around 460 children of  the more disadvantaged groups of society.

In South Africa, images associating meat with Forlan, Abreu and Lugano will be taken to carry out a similar promotion campaign abroad.