China, a relevant market

Date: 07/27/2010

The restaurant in China is working with 500 persons per day and the sale for the most requested menus, dishes between 200 - 300 grs, has confirmed the possibility to work with Asiatic food habits, assures INAC's President.

The 2nd. Traceability Day on July 18th. was destined to authorities from Nafta, European Union, Russian Federation, China, Ukraine and Hong Kong.

The 3rd. Traceability Day will take place on August 25th.  It is destined to Uruguayan authorities - and the Uruguayan Meat Week at the Intercontinetal Hotel, Pudong, Shanghai.

Regarding sales to that country, China represents approximately 5% of our beef sales in volume.  This is a very noteworthy figure and places it as a very relevant market (e.g. Israel historically represents 4 - 5 %).

Meat exports to China increased 20% in volume and 7% in value, in USD taking the first semester of 2010 in relation to the first semester of 2009.

Its relative importance has increased this year to 5.3%.  In absolute terms, in 2010 2000 tons cw more have been exported than in 2009 during the same period (going from 9000 tons cw to approx. 11000 ton cw).

The Chinese market is important regarding meat placement (5% in volume) and specially in the placement of offals and by-products where it represents 20 - 25% of the generated value of exports of these products.