Animal Welfare

Date: 08/24/2010

Animal Welfare is a topic that is of great importance worldwide.  It has been identified as priority by the OIE.

INAC has been working hard on Animal Welfare for many years, in activities such as: Audits, Difussion activities, Congresses, Training Seminars, Presential and at distance courses, assessment and participation in national technical groups.

Continuing with its work strategy and having animal welfare within its priorities, INAC presents two projects recently finished:

  • 1) A book on Animal Welfare titled: "Animal Welfare. Its role in quality meat production".
  • 2) A Protocol in Good Practice of Animal Management (bovines).

The aim of these actions is to spread the tools to inform the principles of Animal Welfare, promote adequate and responsible management of the companies, train the persons who are in contact with animals and offer guarantees of commitment and production in regards to good animal practices, in each step and in the final product.

INAC's President, Dr. Alfredo Fratti, the authors of the publication - Dr. Viviana Cervieri, Dr. Luis Castro and Dr. Fernando Rovira- and the Subdirector of Quality Control and Development, Ricardo Robaina, were at the press conference.

Publication: "Animal Welfare. Its role in quality meat production".

In this publication the importance of animal welfare is pointed out in meat production and its role in the process of obtaining a quality product.

It is addressed to all those who in one way or another, are related to the Management of animals of productive species, specially bovines.

During its edition, scientific works and books were consulted, as well as professionals of the sector, producers, industrials and INAC's technicians.

The authors of this publication are Dr. Viviana Cervieri, Dr. Fernando Rovira and Dr. Luis Castro, technicians of the Direction of Quality Control and Development.

Protocol of Good Animal Management Practices (bovines)


Following the demand of the different sectors of the agroindustrial chain and the line of activity carried out at an institutional, national and worldwide level, INAC has developed different Protocols and Certification Programmes.

In this opportunity, from the demands of producers, transport companies and slaughter plants, and having detected the need to make a distinction (CERTIFICATION, LOGO, etc.) to be used as a working and commercial strategy for their clients, the area of Standards, Protocols and Programmes, of INAC's Direction of Quality Control and Development (DCDC), developed a Protocol and the resulting Certification Programme of Good Animal Management Practices (bovines).

In the protocol we can find a series of requirements to be fulfilled by the three main sectors (farms, transport and slaughter plant).  These requirements include aspects of breeding, management, training of personnel, transport and animal slaughter and mainly aim to promote good animal management practices all along the production process.

The protocol mentions in detail all the requirements to be fulfilled to certify farms, transport companies and slaughter plants, which after being audited and approved, will be in condition to use the Animal Welfare logo.  The meat coming from animals of certified farms, transported by certified companies and slaughtered in certified slaughter plants, may be certified and labeled with the logo.