Traceability at Expo Prado

Date: 09/14/2010

INAC presents at Expo Prado - which is being held from 8 - 19 September- the Traceability experience  promoted by Uruguay to the world, as an attribute of Uruguayan meat.

The phrase of the year is "The tastiest meat in the world is also the safest".

To introduce the topic, it will be shown as a unique and innovative project in the world, conceived from an important technological platform, which generates a clear trustworthy message for the final consumer.

To contribute to this statement, the results of demonstrations carried out at the Restaurant which INAC manages in China have proved the traceability process from field to table.

INAC has based its marketing strategy in selling meat as a synonym of trust.  This is the basis of our communication, focused on the main attribute demanded today worldwide: safety.

The "grass-code bar" logo - "From nature to consumer", which identifies our natural meats, symbolizes the countries commitment to offer the best guarantees to consumers.

The geographical and cultural characteristics of the country enable to establish security and control systems in all the country.  Traceability starts at a farm when an animal is born, it continues at the industrial stage and ends when identifying the cut which reaches the final buyer - it is a essential tool to guarantee transparency.

The integration of the cattle and meat traceability systems - meat traceability audited by the British Standard Institute (BSI) - places Uruguay as the country which has the most complete, modern and updated Electronic Information System in the world.

The Meat Industry Electronic Information System SEIIC - Black Boxes, was awarded, last year, the 4th. Prize, amongst the best projects in the world (PMI Government SIG).