2nd. Semester

Enrollment deadline to take part in the 2nd generation of the Meat Industry Specialization Postgraduate Degree is May 31st. In-classroom activities will begin in September.
The President of the National Meat Institute, Alfredo Fratti, presented in a press conference the estimates for the closure of the tear 2010 as regards slaughter, exports and consumption in the domestic market.
Courses of the first generation that will graduate from the post-graduate degree in Meat Industry Specialization, given jointly by the Veterinary and Agronomy Colleges and INAC, came to an end.
The National Meat Institute has been awarded ANII's NOVA Prize for Innovation in the Public Interest category thanks to its Electronic Information System for the Meat Industry - Black Boxes.
During the Conference "From farm to table" INAC presented achievements and challenges existing in the domestic market. Accountant Valentina Herrera from the Domestic Market Control Directorate showed the main meat indicators in Uruguay.
Trends of global meat trade for this decade and Uruguay's positioning were analyzed by Pablo Caputi, Information Director.
INAC carried out a traceability demonstration with beef empanadas eaten by attendees to the Conference "From farm to table". The link between the food and the farmer was thus established.
"From farm to table" closed the activities of its 6th edition with expositions by the Livestock and Industry Ministers on the vision of agribusiness innovation from public policies.
This time technicians from the Domestic Market Control Directorate presented updated statistics of meat consumption in Uruguay.
Fernando Perez Abella, Vicepresident of INAC, evaluated the results of the official visit Uruguayan delegates paid to the Korean Republic as highly positive, considering the high level of the interlocutors who received them.
Environmental sustainability was addressed by Professor Frank Mitloehner, from the University of Californa, Davis, in the United States, who is also advisor of the National Meat Institute.
INAC is supporting the Uruguayan rugby team.
In recent times red meats have been questioned by some sectors based on alleged negative effects on human health.
Over two thousand people took part of the 1st. Festival named "Pando, Meat Capital City", where they ate rib plate, sausagues and hamburgers. 200 schoolchildren enjoyed a demonstration of the meat traceability system at INAC's stand.
Of the four sessions the Congress will have, the first one will be focused on environmental sustainability, subject that will be addressed by Dr. Frank Mitloehner, from the University of Californa, Davis.
Enrollment is open for the Meat Industry Postgraduate Degree developed jointly by the National Meat Institute and the Agronomy and Veterinary Colleges.
Activities of the Restaurant managed by INAC during six months at Expo 2010 Shanghai, China, finally came to an end on October 31st.
The 6th. Edition of the traditional Meat Production, Processing and Trading Congress, "From Farm to Table", will take place on November 22nd. and 23rd, 2010, in Montevideo.
INAC's President, Alfredo Fratti, is part of the Uruguayan delegation leadered by the Foreign Affairs Minister, Luis Almagro, to Sweden, Finland and the Russian Federation.
Dr. Caputi summarized some of the conclusions of the Workshop that INAC organized in Uruguay last week, to analize the perspectives of the sector.
A Mexican delegation consisting of businessmen, chefs and journalists is in Montevideo to be in contact with Uruguayan meat production and industrialization, and to get to know local gastronomy.
Meat economists from around 20 countries finished their analysis in Montevideo. In a press conference, the topics of debate of the event were specified: international trade, sustainability, environment and Latin America's role.
The 2nd. IMS Economics Workshop ended in Montevideo with a dinner to which the President of the Republic, Jose Mujica, attended.
Economic Analysis and Information Director, Dr. Pablo Caputi, presented the main indicators included in the Statistical Report Year Ending June 30th., 2010.
The Stand Contest at Expo Prado 2010 awarded the National Meat Institute (INAC) the Grand Prize this year. INAC was also awarded the 1st. Prize in the category of organisms.
Members from SEIIC - Black Boxes from INAC and from the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fishery received the press at INAC's stand
INAC is carrying out, together with the Ministry of Livestock, Agricultre and Fishery, an educational activity with school children who visit Expo Prado, regarding the concept of Traceability.
The Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fishery (MGAP), Tabare Aguerre, visited INIA's and INAC's stand and then inaugurated, together with the Institute's authorities, MGAP's stand at Expo Prado 2010.
INAC presents at Expo Prado - which is being held from September 8 - 19 - the Traceability experience promoted by Uruguay to the world, as an attribute of Uruguayan meat.
On the occasion of Uruguay's National Day, a dinner took place at the Uruguay Natural - Meat Deli Restaurant, as well as official lunches at the Convention Center of Shanghai Universal Fair and launching of special promotions of Uruguayan meat.
The British Standards Institute - BSI awarded the National Meat Institute the certification of fulfillment of the operating norms of the Electronic Information System of the Meat Industry (SEIIC) - Black Boxes.
At the conference, INAC's President analyzed the meat business with China, the experience that is taking place at Expo Shanghai, where the country has an important presence in a stand and a theme restaurant.
Animal Welfare is a topic of great importance worldwide. It has been identified as priority by the OIE.
The Central Directive Council of the University of the Republic approved the Specialiazation in the Meat Industry career as a professional postgraduate degree of the University of the Republic.
Three months after the start of Uruguays participation at the Shanghai Universal Fair, the responsible of installing the stand and the restaurant described the return achieved as positive.
The restaurant in China is working with 500 persons per day and the sale for the most requested menus, dishes between 200 - 300 grs., has confirmed the possibility to work with Asiatic food habits, assures INAC's President.
The second experience of Traceability in Uruguay took place at INAC'S Restaurant in Shanghai.
In its Restaurant in China, INAC demonstrated traceability of cuts produced from cattle of five farms from the departments of Florida, Soriano, Tacuarembo and Rocha. International guests recognized the achievement of the system.
INAC started publishing preliminary information of the cattle's ear-tag that each farmer has sent to slaughter. Access to this data is through the "black boxes" web site with each farmer's PIN.
INAC cooperated with 1000 kg of meat for the Uruguayan team in South Africa.The request of the Uruguayan Football Association was a good opportunity for the Uruguayan football authorities to share a barbecue with club leaders and football personalities.
The Second IMS Economics Workshop which will take place in Montevideo on September 22-24, 2010, will be an optimum opportunity to discuss the topics "The future of beef and lamb production" with the world's top specialists.