Two Ministers at the closing ceremony

Date: 11/25/2010


"From farm to table" closed the activities of its 6th edition with expositions by the Livestock and Industry Ministers on the vision of agribusiness innovation from public policies.


The Livestock Minister, Tabaré Aguerre, stated that production has sharply increased and estimates that it will reach 100 Kg. per hectare.

The Secretary of State said that not only the last link of the chain must be efficient but also the chain as a whole and wondered how could the agricultural sector give proof of this efficiency and innovation with the current training percentages.

Traceability and carbon footprint measurements that are being implemented in the country were especially pointed out by the Minister as value differentiation innovations. He added that this indicator that is being searched for may be a differentiating instrument that will contribute to agro-eco-efficiency; a threat that may become an opportunity.

Minister Aguerre also mentioned within innovations, the asymmetry correction policies in the inclusion of family farmers, as well as timely information that generates good investment and business conditions through data democratization.