World Veterinary Year

Date: 03/17/2011

As the opening of the national program for the celebration of the “World Veterinary Year”, the National Academy of Veterinary Medicine held an academic ceremony attended by authorities of INAC.


This activity paid homage to the 250th anniversary of the creation of the first Veterinary School of the world, and the institutionality of the Veterinary profession proposed by Claude Bourgelat in Lyon, France, in 1761.


The ceremony took place at the auditorium of the National Chamber of Trade and Services and INAC was represented by the Vice-president of the Institution, Dr. Fernando Pérez Abella.

Dr. Pérez, a Veterinarian himself, made special recognition to Veterinarians for their collaboration to the good reputation of Uruguay in the world on account of its health status.

The Vice-president of INAC also made recognition to the official Veterinaries of the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, responsible for the policies of control and monitoring of animal diseases, and to the Veterinary Doctors devoted to the biogenetic analysis of diseases, as well as to those who take part in the production of zootherapeutic products.

He also paid tribute to Veterinary professors that are permanently educating professionals in the framework of current circumstances, to Veterinarian Inspectors at slaughter plants, who carry out the systematic autopsy of animals during slaughter thus preventing transmission of animal diseases to humans and ensuring food safety, and to Veterinaries that control the commercial quality of meat, who are directly responsible for the image of the country.

Likewise, he paid homage to the Veterinary Doctors that are in charge of the approval of plants, butcher’s shops and means of transport, who prevent the occurrence of difficulties, and to the Veterinaries that control the domestic market, who guarantee that the meat fit for human consumption prepared at plants continues to be so at butcher’s shops.

INAC's Vice-president also highlighted the work of Veterinary Doctors in the sector of poultry and pig production, areas with great future potential, and also that of Veterinaries that work in the dairy sector and in the control of other food.