Bicentenary celebration

Fecha: 17/03/2011

INAC participated in the bicentenary celebration activities that began on February 27th collaborating with 1,000 Kg of beef for the food court established around the multiple stages set up in Mercedes promenade.

During this celebration event there was a food court, a craftsmen’s exhibition, an area for entertainment, sports and exhibitions and the presence of several nationally renowned artists.

An official ceremony will be held today in Asencio, where the President of the Republic José Mujica, the Mayor of Soriano Guillermo Besozzi, and the Minister of Education and Culture Ricardo Ehrlich acting in his capacity as President of the Bicentenary Commission will speak.

During this year INAC will take part of the activities for the celebration of the Bicentenary of Uruguay’s Process of Emancipation, which are coincident with the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the introduction of livestock in Uruguay.


INAC: Panel Izquierdo - Menú