Sheepmeat in Mexico

Date: 05/27/2011

Authorities of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food of Mexico (SAGARPA) notified the MGAP of the corresponding authorization for the opening of the Mexican market to boneless sheepmeat from Uruguay.


The final stage deriving in the signature of the protocol was a result of the actions developed during the official visit of the Mexican Minister of Agriculture Francisco Mayorga, and the Director of SENASICA Enrique Sánchez Cruz, which took place between March 30th and April 2nd.


In this context, the entire Mexican delegation was showed the conditions on which sheep are produced and slaughtered in our country.


This visit was decisive for the development of contacts with the highest sanitary authorities of Mexico, leading to the effective opening of this market for boneless sheepmeat. This brought to an end the process of negotiations in which the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Meat Institute had taken part in coordination.