Other Schools join Postgraduate Degree

Date: 06/09/2011

The Rector of the University of the Republic and the President of INAC have signed an agreement to include the School of Social Sciences and the School of Economic Sciences and Management in the Meat Industry Specialization Postgraduate Degree.

In a few months' time, as of the beginning of the 2nd generation of Postgraduate Degree, these Schools will join the Schools of Agronomy and Veterinary that have already coordinated actions with INAC regarding the courses.

The Postgraduate Courses are intended for University graduates and there is already a first generation of postgraduates.

The Rector of the University of the Republic, Rodrigo Arocena, stated that economic development must be added with innovation and knowledge in order to also generate sustainable human development and thus have an integral education.

The President of INAC, Alfredo Fratti, recalled the beginnings of this Postgraduate Degree inspired in the need to pass on to new generations over 40 years of knowledge about the meat sector.

Enrollment deadline for the selection of candidates is July 15.