Uruguay in Germany

Date: 10/11/2011


Demand for Uruguayan beef is said to be firm by Vice-president of INAC, Fernando Pérez Abella, from Anuga Exhibition in Germany, where the international meat market situation is being assessed.

For the past 30 years (1981-2011), together with representatives of the private meat sector, INAC has been participating of the most important biennial food fair in the world:  ANUGA, which is taking place until tomorrow, October 12th, at Cologne, Germany.

Dr. Pérez Abella stated importers are especially interested in the high-quality beef quota for the EU and mentioned the strong interest of a Dutch importer who asked about the beginning of exports from Uruguay within the quota established by Commission Regulation (EC) No 620/2009.

In this year's edition, only the meat and cold cuts sector takes up 3 pavilions (5, 6 and 9) of the exhibition site, with 800 exhibitors from 50 countries.

The Uruguayan delegation is headed by INAC's Vice-president, Dr. Fernando Pérez Abella, accompanied by Board Members: Dr. Emilio Mangarelli, on behalf of farmers, and Dr. Alberto González, on behalf of processing plants. Also in this delegation are: Silvana Bonsignore, External Markets Director, Mónica Silberman, Head of Promotion, and Cecilia Shaw, of the Promotion department.

On behalf of the private sector, INAC is accompanied by the 18 leading exporting companies of the meat sector, together with 12 intermediary companies (brokers and traders), totaling about 70 people, who traveled from Uruguay to Germany in order to take part of this event.

INAC's stand is a 457 m2 two-story stand. At ground level there is a reception area for traditional customers, potential buyers, authorities of diverse organizations, journalists and general public, whereas at the first floor there is a meat and wine tasting area to honor visitors.

This year, the materials prepared especially to promote our meats at ANUGA have incorporated the so-called 2D Code (or two-dimensional code), which can easily be read with cell-phones and allows for greater capture of information in a simple and practical manner.