1st. Semester

SIAL China Exhibition took place in Shanghai. The National Meat Institute attended the exposition as it has been doing annually since 2004.
A Festival of Uruguayan Beef was held at the five-star Gran Meliá Hotel for 10 days.
A business lunch took place at the Uruguayan Embassy in Switzerland to discuss two relevant issues for the commercialization of Uruguayan beef and sheep meat in this market.
Authorities of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food of Mexico (SAGARPA) notified the MGAP of the corresponding authorization for the opening of the Mexican market to boneless sheepmeat from Uruguay.
As the opening of the national program for the celebration of the "World Veterinary Year", the National Academy of Veterinary Medicine held an academic ceremony attended by authorities of INAC.
The "Country Spot - Uruguay in Brazil" has been launched in Sao Paulo, where the leading Uruguayan products for export -meats, cheeses and wines- will be presented during several months.
ProdExpo Moscow Exhibition in Russia came to an end; this year INAC participated with a 74 square-meter stand.
The President of INAC, Alfredo Fratti, met with the Honorary Consul of Uruguay in Kazakhstan, Askarbek Tulemisov, and the Uruguayan Ambassador in Russia, and Concurrent Ambassador to Kazakhstan, Armenia and Ukraine, Jorge Meyer, during ProdExpo Moscow.
INAC participated in the bicentenary celebration activities that began on February 27th collaborating with 1,000 kg of beef for the food court established around the various stages set up in the promenade of Mercedes .
Authorities of the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and INAC confirmed in a press conference that the process to open the American market for Uruguayan sheepmeat will finish in 60 days.
Members of the Cultural Division of KBS Korean Broadcasting System, one of the leading TV channels in South Korea, recorded in Uruguay a program entitled: "Uruguay, the Southamerican hidden gem".
The President of INAC Alfredo Fratti and the Ambassador of Uruguay in Russia Anibal Cabral met with Stanislav Gradov, representative of the Bolshoi Theater.
INAC: Panel Izquierdo - Menú