Good results after USDA audit.

Date: 11/08/2011


The result of the audit performed by the United Sates Department of Agriculture (USDA) on the Certified Natural Meat Program of Uruguay (PCNCU), has been very satisfactory, the American auditor in charge of the same has not found any non-comformities.

The auditor will recommend the extension of the approval of the corresponding conformity certificate for one more year.

The second audit by USDA on the Certified Natural Meat Program of Uruguay took place between 24th October and 28th October,  with a view to evaluate the fulfillment of requirements established for the Process Verified Program (PVP) of United Sates.

This time, the audit specifically focused on the capacity to implement in practice the change recently approved by USDA, which enables to maintain the PVP status through the creation of two categories that separate farmers as to the compliance with the “Grass Fed” claim (without using grain supplements during the whole life of cattle) or not.

A documentary revision took place at INAC’s offices and later two additional visits were conducted, one to a cattle farm, and another one to a processing plant.

The visited farm was “El Bramido”, property of Vaquería del Este group, located in the Department of Rocha, near Lascano. The processing plant audited was San Jacinto Slaughter plant.