Korean mission in Uruguay

Date: 11/08/2011


The Korean delegation that conducted an animal health inspection in our country, visited the National Meat Institute.

Two presentations were offered with regard to the characteristics of the Uruguayan meat production system and to the industrial traceability system.

The working schedule included meetings with technicians from the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries and from INAC, visits to farms, border control points and slaughter houses, etc.

The delegation from the South Korean Quarantine and Inspection Agency was composed by Hyun Ok, Gu; Young Hee, Lee; and Young Chang, Ann from the  Import Risk Assessment Division; Ho Young, Kwon from the Livestock Products Safety Division, Young June, Koh from the FMD Diagnosis Division and Sun Il, Park – Teacher at the Veterinary School of the GangWon University.

The opening of Korea and Japan to Uruguayan beef exports remains a challenge the country has to overcome. So far, both markets import termo-processed beef.