Fraternal barbecue

Date: 02/01/2012


Foreign guests at the Antarctica emphasized the importance of the Uruguayan asado for the spirit of fraternity at the Scientific Base. 40 people from Russia, Korea, China, Chile and Uruguay tasted Uruguayan beef.

On a summer day, with a temperature of 33.8º F (1ºC), representatives of these stations arrived at the Artigas base to share a typically Uruguayan barbecue, called asado.

The President of INAC said that asado is not only food but a cultural meeting that represents Uruguayan people.

José Scheiber was in charge of the barbecue and will be the cook of Artigas Base for one year. He said that he prepared the asado "slowly", in Uruguayan style.

Several guests took part of a video chat that communicated INAC headquarters with the Antarctic base, to share their opinion on Uruguayan beef and comment on what they shared at the base.


Cook José Scheiber.