More than 1,600 million for meat

Date: 02/01/2012


18% above 2010. Exports of metas, offal, meat products and byproducts total 1,652,210 dollars. Income obtained for beef exports account for 81 % of the total shipped by the meat sector, whereas sheep meat represents 5 %, according to the report prepared by the National Meat Institute.

In this period of 2011, income increased 18% compared to the same period of 2010. In this period exports grew 18 % measured in dollars and fell 8 % when measured in carcass weight.

Exports of sheep meat increased 7 % in dollars and drop 12 % in volume, carcass weight, compared to the same period of 2010.

Income obtained for beef exports account for 81 % of the total shipped by the meat sector, whereas sheep meat represents 5 %. Exports of beef during 2011, stated in carcass weight, reached 336,755 tons. Main buyers of this product, considered as economic blocs or individual countries, are as follows in order of  importance: Russian Federation, European Union, Nafta, Mercosur and Israel. They concentrate 83 % of total exports.

Exports of beef total 1,333 million dollars. Income generated by the countries in the European Union, Mercosur and Nafta, together with the Russian Federation and Israel represent 84 % of the total exports measured in dollars. Exports of sheep meat, stated in carcass weight, reached 17,301 tons. In order of importance, main buyers of this product are: European Union, Mercosur and China. They concentrate 83 % of total exports. From January 1st to December 31st 2011, exports of sheep meat account for 84 million dollars.

Income generated by exports to the countries in the European Union, Mercosur and China represent 86 % of the total exports measured in dollars. 

Volume slaughtered at authorized plants was of 2,010,808 cattle heads. 47% were heifers and cows and 52 % were steers. The number of sheep slaughtered at authorized plants was 1,155,385 heads.