In Russia, the main buyer of Uruguayan beef

Date: 02/23/2012


A delegation of the National Meat Institute took part of ProdExpo with an institutional 72m2 stand, at times when import permits are being granted.

Uruguay is Russia’s second supplier of chilled beef, after Brazil.

The domestic consumption grew 23 % between 2000 and 2010, with a consumption of 18 Kg beef per person/year.

Other products are exported to Russia apart from beef, such as sheep meat, horse meat, poultry, offal and byproducts.

In 2011 exports to Russia accounted for 350 million dollars considering all species and products.

Uruguayan beef accesses the market mostly under a quota of slightly over 400 thousand tons with a tariff rate of 15 %. Given that Uruguay accesses the market under the Generalized System of Preferences, it only pays 75 % of said tariff, i.e. 11.25 %.

In 2011 Uruguay exported to Russia 113 thousand tons CW at 2,843 USD/ton CW.

The delegation from INAC was made up by INAC's Vice President Fernando Pérez Abella, Guzmán Tellechea and Alberto González, on behalf of farmers and sluaghterplants respectively, the Director of External Markets Silvana Bonsignore, Daniel Sparano and Cecilia Shaw.